Fulfillment Policy

Last updated Feb 2024

Refund, Return, and Cancellation Policy

We do not accept returns, exchanges, or refunds. All sales are final.

Delivery Policy

When you purchase a Nori Regenerative Tonne, the retirement of the credit and issuance of your certificate may take up to 1 year. Should you need a Proof of Purchase certificate from Nori, you may request one by emailing sales@nori.com where you will receive your requested certificate between 2-5 business days.

Immediately after the Regenerative Tonnes you’ve purchased have been retired, the email address used to make the purchase will be sent the certificate. The retirement of the Regenerative Tonnes will be recorded on the blockchain. The Regenerative Tonne can not be un-retired or resold.

Payment Methods Accepted

For orders up to 10,000 Regenerative Tonnes, we accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. For larger orders, we accept bank transfers. On a case by case basis, Nori may accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment. To request paying via cryptocurrency, please contact sales@nori.com.

Quantification Guarantee

The Nori guarantee to buyers is that 1 Nori Regenerative Tonne represents approximately 1 tonne of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere for at least 10 years. If a Nori audit finds that less CO2 was drawn down from the atmosphere than tonnes issued, or the carbon was released before the end of the 10-year carbon retention term, Nori will acquire and retire enough new Regenerative Tonnes to cover the audit-quantified shortfall.