Permanent carbon removal meets immediate impact.

Credibly compensate for emissions with Nori Net Zero Tonnes™ — carbon removal credits that pair regenerative and permanent carbon removal for impact that’s both immediate and lasting.

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What is a Nori Net Zero Tonne™?

Each Nori Net Zero Tonne™ pairs one Nori Regenerative Tonne with one Frontier Offtake Tonne — with overlapping carbon storage timelines. Nori Regenerative Tonnes are available now and store carbon in the soil for 10+ years. Frontier Offtake Tonnes fund permanent carbon removal that will occur within the initial ten-year storage period of the Regenerative Tonnes.

Learn more about Regenerative Tonnes & Frontier Tonnes
Nori Regenerative Tonnes
Frontier Offtake Tonnes
CO2 removed between 2019 and 2022 via Croplands Methodology
CO2 will be removed in 2027 via an emerging carbon removal solution.
Part of the fast carbon cycle, with carbon storage of 10+ years.
Part of the slow carbon cycle, with carbon storage of 1,000+ years.
Funds soil restoration and regenerative agriculture in the US.
Funds a growing global portfolio that will likely include a combination of direct air capture, biomass with carbon removal and storage, enhanced rock weathering, and other pathways as they become offtake-ready.
Immediate impact with co-benefits like improving soil biodiversity and resistance to erosion
Helps the most promising permanent carbon removal technologies scale.
Immediate retirement upon purchase.
Reserved on purchase and retired on delivery.

"Consistent with our mission, OpenAir Collective is proud to purchase Nori Net Zero Tonnes, a carbon removal product that pairs regenerative carbon removal available now, with permanent carbon removal to be delivered in the future, to create immediate and enduring positive climate impact."

— Christopher Neidl, Co-founder at OpenAir Collective
See OpenAir's certificate

Fully compensate for emissions

Fossil fuel emissions begin causing damage once they enter the atmosphere and remain there for hundreds or thousands of years. To credibly compensate for emissions, carbon removal should occur at the same time or before fossil fuel emissions enter the atmosphere and store carbon permanently.

Since most permanent carbon removal won’t be realized for another few years, on its own, it can’t negate emissions that occur in the interim. Thanks to the curated pairing of immediate and permanent carbon removals, you can use Net Zero Tonnes 1:1 to credibly compensate for present-day emissions, supporting neutrality and net zero goals and claims.

compensate emissions

Get access to best-in-class carbon removal

Teams of any size can purchase net-zero-friendly carbon removals without a subscription or membership. Each purchase funds soil restoration today while also catalyzing the development of permanent carbon removal projects across the pathways of enhanced weathering, permanent storage of biomass, and direct air capture.

nzt best in class carbon removal
nzt emissions

Simplify the process of balancing emissions

Save your team the time, work, and risk of assessing, procuring, and managing a net-zero-friendly portfolio. Once you know the number of tonnes you’re looking to compensate for, it’s as simple as purchasing an equal (or greater) number of Net Zero Tonnes.

Reduce risk, maximize impact.

The Net Zero Tonne was developed based on a peer-reviewed whitepaper and is in line with the Oxford Principles recommendations and IPCC mitigation strategies.  The permanent carbon removal procured by each Net Zero Tonne is sourced from Frontier’s expertly curated portfolio of highly vetted carbon removal solutions. Frontier mitigates delivery risk and adopts the highest permanence standard (1,000+ years).

Address specific emissions now, while on the broader road to Net Zero.

The Net Zero Tonne makes it possible to offer net-zero products, transactions, campaigns, initiatives, or events now, while on the longer path to company-wide Net Zero goals.

Get started by compensating for emissions from…

  • your company’s website
  • your team’s flights
  • credit card transactions
  • customer’s use of your platform
  • company events
  • shipping

Add Net Zero Tonnes to your climate strategy.