Buy from the Bayer Carbon Program

Purchase Nori Regenerative Tonnes sourced specifically from farmers enrolled in the Bayer Carbon Program.

Support Regenerative Agriculture, Remove Carbon from the Atmosphere

All Nori Regenerative Tonnes™ are third-party verified and quantified — and come with a certificate that transparently tracks your specific carbon removal project. When you purchase on this page, you’re buying credits sourced from the Bayer Carbon Program.

Overview of the Bayer Carbon Program

The Bayer Carbon Program, delivered through ForGround by Bayer, enables farmers to enroll in and get paid for implementing regenerative agriculture practices — such as practices that sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.

The farmers who enroll in the program are stewards of their land and understand the importance of soil health and preserving their acres for future generations.

bayer page

Carbon Program Participants, Practices, and Benefits

The majority of farmers participating in the Bayer Carbon Program farm in the Midwest of the United States. They plant corn, soybeans and/or wheat in a rotation and implement regenerative agriculture practices like no-till, strip-till and/or cover crops on enrolled fields. Their crops then go on to feed communities in the US and around the world. Participating farmers are rewarded financially for their carbon-storing practices, and they can also see benefits in their soil since these practices support soil health, reduce erosion, and increase soil water availability.

Learn more about the Bayer Carbon Program.

What are Regenerative Tonnes?

Each Regenerative Tonne represents approximately 1 tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil for 10+ years.

Key Details:

  • Credits are third-party quantified and verified, with re-verification every 3 years
  • Immediate climate impact with co-benefits like improved erosion and drought resistance, soil biodiversity, and more
  • Unique certificate tracing back to your carbon removal project
nori certification

Regenerative Tonnes drive impact by

co2 underground

Removing Carbon

Regenerative Tonnes support farming practices that remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere, with the potential to sequester hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 every year.

co2 removal benefits nature

Restoring Soils

Regenerative agriculture supports various facets of soil restoration such as improving soil structure, soil biodiversity, and nutrient density in food production.

Stabilizing Climates

Carbon removal via regenerative agriculture and other available solutions can mitigate peak warming and avoid environmental tipping points to maintain Earth’s ecological balance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Regenerative Tonne?

The Nori Regenerative Tonne is a carbon removal credit representing approximately one tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere and stored for at least ten years via regenerative farming practices. Each credit is third-party quantified and verified, ensuring credible climate impact. The Bayer Carbon Program credits are quantified using the Soil Metrics Model and are verified by NSF.

Each Regenerative Tonne:

  • Supports climate impact with co-benefits like improved soil biodiversity
  • Undergoes third-party verification and quantification before being listed, with re-verification every 3 years
  • Is created in accordance with Nori’s peer-reviewed Croplands Methodology
  • Comes with a unique certificate that contains project details
Why should I buy Regenerative Tonnes?

Each purchase supports the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices and the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere — benefitting both farmers and the planet.

For farmers:

  • Farmers can get paid for their regenerative agriculture practices and can also experience other benefits like supporting soil health and, over the long term, increased yield potential and productivity. Collectively, these benefits can help support the economic and social well-being of farmers and their communities.

For the planet, and all of us living on it:

  • Regenerative Tonnes  help to drive positive climate impact  by supporting the farmers removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, supporting soil health, enhancing biodiversity, and contributing to other co-benefits of regenerative farming. These practices can help mitigate climate change and improve food systems.

As an individual, you aren’t responsible for causing the climate crisis but you do have the power to be part of the solution. Collectively, we need to remove between 5 and 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year by 2050 to reach global climate mitigation targets. We need all hands on deck to make it happen, and every tonne counts.

How much will I pay for each Regenerative Tonne?

Bayer employees enjoy a discounted price of $25 per Regenerative Tonne.

That's approximately 17% less than the public price of $30. To get the discount, be sure to make your purchase via the links and buttons on this page

*Note: The "Remove Now" button in the top navigation will take you to general checkout with the regular price of $30.

How many Regenerative Tonnes can I buy?

You can buy anywhere from 1 to 500 Nori Regenerative Tonnes. For larger purchases, please get in touch with our sales team here.

Not sure how many to buy? Every tonne makes an impact.

While some people choose to buy based on a set budget, others prefer to buy to help address their emissions.

Some context: The average* person in the US emits approximately 16.5 tonnes of CO2 each year. In Germany, the average is 10 tonnes/year. In Canada it’s 13.2 tonnes/year and in Brazil it’s 2.2 tonnes/year. (See other countries here.) The typical passenger vehicle emits approximately 4.6 tonnes of CO2/year.

Note: Since emissions from the burning of fossil fuels stay in the atmosphere for much longer than ten years, purchasing Regenerative Tonnes can’t fully neutralize emissions. But by driving immediate impact, they can help us avoid key environmental tipping points and buy us more time to scale up more permanent forms of carbon removal.

*Source: “Data Page: Per capita consumption-based CO₂ emissions”, part of the following publication: Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Rosado and Max Roser (2023) - “CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions”. Data adapted from Global Carbon Project, Various sources. Retrieved from [online resource]

Where does my money go when I buy Regenerative Tonnes from the Bayer Carbon Program?
  • When purchasing through this page, Bayer employees get a discounted price of $25 per Regenerative Tonne (a ~17% discount).
  • $20 goes to Bayer, which supports Bayer in offering The Bayer Carbon Program and paying farmers for implementing regenerative farming practices.
  • $5 marketplace fee goes to Nori and its partners, including Bayer. Bayer has committed all profits from purchases on this page to buy additional credits through the program — maximizing the impact for their growers and the climate.
Who are the farmers and how do they benefit?

The majority of farmers participating in the Bayer Carbon Program live in the Midwest of the United States. They plant corn, soybeans and/or wheat in a rotation and implement regenerative agriculture practices like no-till, strip-till and/or cover crops on enrolled fields. These crops then go on to feed communities in the US and around the world. Participating farmers are rewarded financially for their carbon-storing practices and can see an improvement in their soil health on their farms as well as long term benefits such as increased yield potential and productivity.

How can we be sure the farmers who receive payments from the Bayer Carbon Program actually implement regenerative practices?

Under the Bayer Carbon Program, payment to participating farmers is subject to verification by Bayer and an independent third-party verifier that the selected practices have been performed and, for historical payments, that carbon assets have been generated.

How much carbon dioxide is sequestered for each Regenerative Tonne purchased?

Each Nori Regenerative Tonne represents approximately one tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere and stored for at least ten years via regenerative farming practices.

For context: The average* person in the US emits approximately 16.5 tonnes of CO2 each year. In Germany, the average is 10 tonnes/year. In Canada it’s 13.2 tonnes/year and in Brazil it’s 2.2 tonnes/year in Brazil. (See other countries here.)

The typical passenger vehicle emits approximately 4.6 tonnes of CO2/year.

*Source: “Data Page: Per capita consumption-based CO₂ emissions”, part of the following publication: Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Rosado and Max Roser (2023) - “CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions”. Data adapted from Global Carbon Project, Various sources. Retrieved from [online resource]

How does regenerative agriculture work as a climate solution?
  • Regenerative agriculture has the potential to sequester hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 each year. It’s 1 of the top 4 ways we can achieve net emissions reductions by 2030. (IPCC)
  • Carbon removal now, via regenerative agriculture and other available solutions, can mitigate peak warming and avoid environmental tipping points to maintain Earth’s ecological balance

The adoption of regenerative agriculture practices can lead to various benefits for farmers and the climate, such as:

  • Farmers often see increased yield potential and productivity over the long term.
  • Improved social and economic well-being for farmers and their communities
  • Improved soil health
  • Preservation and restoration of biodiversity
  • Water conservation  
  • Mitigation of climate change
How will this purchase work? What should I expect?

1. The buyer will purchase Regenerative Tonnes from a unique page on Nori’s website that allows you to purchase credits sourced specifically from The Bayer Carbon Program — they have to purchase from the specific links on the dedicated page, or we cannot guarantee that the credit will come from the Bayer Carbon Program.

2. The buyer will go through a secure Stripe checkout, selecting the number of Regenerative Tonnes they would like to purchase. They can either complete a one-time purchase, or set up a recurring subscription. 

  • Note: Prices will be displayed and charged in USD. International payment methods will be accepted.

3. Directly after purchase, the buyer is redirected to a ‘Thank you for your purchase’ page.  

4. Also directly after purchase, the buyer receives an automated email receipt from Stripe. 

5. Nori receives orders and sets up a bulk fulfillment process.

6. Once an order is fulfilled, the buyer receives an email with their certificate linked.

  • The certificate link takes the buyer to their full certificate page, a unique page generated based on their purchase, where they can see details and information about the supplier, the Bayer Carbon Program.  Buyers can share or print their certificate from this page.

If you’re making a one-time purchase:

  • Select how many tonnes of carbon removal you want to purchase from the Bayer Carbon Program
  • Enter your email address and payment information (major credit cards accepted).
  • You will receive an automated email receipt
  • Nori’s team will fulfill your order and issue a certificate
  • You will receive an email with a link to your certificate
  • The certificate link takes you to your full certificate page, a unique page generated based on your purchase, where you can see details and information about the supplier, the Bayer Carbon Program.
  • You can share or print their certificate from this page.
  • See Nori’s Terms of Service.

If you’d like to subscribe for ongoing impact:

  • Select how many tonnes of carbon removal you want to purchase each month from the Bayer Carbon Program 
  • Enter your email address and payment information (major credit cards accepted)
  • You will receive an automated email receipt
  • Nori’s team will fulfill your order and issue a certificate
  • You will receive an email with your certificate within 1-5 business days
  • The certificate link takes you to your full certificate page, a unique page generated based on each purchase, where you can see details and information about the supplier, the Bayer Carbon Program.
  • You can share or print their certificate from this page.
  • Your monthly purchases will be automated — you’ll receive an email with a receipt and another email with the certificate each month.
  • See Nori’s Terms of Service.

Ready to make a positive climate impact and support regenerative agriculture?