Carbon Removal Gratitude

An overview of the ecosystem that

makes reversing climate change achievable.

Reversing climate change is possible if we can remove enough carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. With the growth of the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) industry in the last few years, and the acceleration of Nori's marketplace along with it, this goal feels more achievable each day. Yet, it takes an entire ecosystem to scale CDR, and we want to take a moment to recognize the many roles at work.

The carbon removers.

These are the people removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it underground, often referred to as suppliers. We’ve worked directly with regenerative farmers since 2018, getting them paid for their soil carbon and sharing the story of their climate-forward practices with our community. Collectively, they’ve removed more than 123,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 👏 Learn what carbon removal looks like on the ground and support our regenerative farmers by [purchasing carbon removals.]

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The verifiers.

The carbon removals wouldn’t make it into our marketplace without the work of our detail-oriented verifiers. This is a third-party group of experts who review a supplier’s Nori project data to ensure accuracy, proper carbon accounting, and legality before we can sell the resulting Nori Regenerative Tonnes.

The communicators.

Carbon dioxide removal, or CDR, is becoming a household phrase thanks to the communicators who share its potential with the world. We’ve got a few top notch communicators of our own at Nori, including the folks who run the Reversing Climate Change and Carbon Removal Newsroom podcasts.

We’re also lucky to have Nick Van Osdol, creator of the Keep Cool newsletter, as a writer in our corner of the world. Nick has a rare talent of elucidating complicated climatetech concepts in an accessible way for all to enjoy. His work on our new Whitepaper is a testament to this!

The investors.

This industry has grown exponentially in the last few years thanks to investments in carbon removal technology and teams.

Where would we be without our incredible investors? In February of this year, we announced $7M in Series A funding from M13, Toyota Ventures, and Placeholder Capital. Investors in our 2020 Seed Round included Placeholder Capital, North Island Ventures, Cargill, and Tenacious Ventures. Our investors have backed Nori’s mission wholeheartedly, allowed us to grow the team, and helped us scale carbon removal.

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The carbon removal buyers.

These are the organizations and individuals that purchase carbon removals. Each purchase supports the people and technologies doing the work of removing carbon, and translates into more carbon sequestered from the atmosphere.

Removing over 1.5 trillion tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere is a massive goal, but it’s achievable when companies go beyond carbon-neutral to remove more carbon than they emit. This year’s climate-conscious buyers include Seattle Chocolate Company, STEPN, The Sandbox, Myria, and many more. Major purchases and individual Regenerative Tonne purchases alike help support our carbon removers and allow us to scale Nori’s marketplace — a special thank you to anyone who has purchased carbon removal from us.

The collaborators.

We’ll scale carbon removal faster with our strengths combined. In October, we introduced our collaboration with one of the biggest agricultural companies in the world — Bayer — which will bring hundreds of thousands of carbon removals into our marketplace in the coming months.

In August we celebrated a new integration with FarmLogs Powered by Bushel, expanding farmer accessibility into Nori’s marketplace via FarmLogs’ data management technology.

Joro is another partner that makes it easy for individuals to address their carbon footprint. They’ve implemented Nori’s carbon removals into their app, allowing users to lower emissions with a portfolio of carbon offsets and carbon removals. Reduce, remove, repeat.

Our friends at Polygon (the blockchain that we’re building on) are also inspiring the web3 space to take leadership in reducing atmospheric carbon. They aim to go beyond carbon neutral themselves, and have committed $20M towards web3 sustainability projects.

The community.

From local climatetech meetups to global coalitions, a strong community is forming around CDR, and the Nori team is embracing it! We launched a Discord Community earlier this year to foster climate conversations. We’ve engaged in AirMiners events with the broader CDR community. And recently, we joined the World Economic Forum’s Crypto Sustainability Coalition.

The Nori team!

Each Norinaut contributes unique perspectives to our mission and helps the overall team to continuously improve (one of our core values!).

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If you’re reading this, it means that you’re a part of the community that’s coming together to remove over 1.5 trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reverse climate change. By reading our newsletters, telling a friend about carbon removal, listening to our podcasts, and purchasing carbon removals, you’ve contributed to the goal. Thank you!